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What you didn’t know about java.lang.OutOfMemory Error!

Few errors are deadlier than java.lang.OutOfMemory errors. When this happens, you application will run into a very unpredictable state, often hanging up and not processing new requests, coughing up ugly stack traces into users browsers etc. The most popular (and effective in the short run) fix for OutOfMemory error is simply restarting the Application or Application Server.

While running out of java Heap is the most common OutOfMemory error, there are indeed several types of OutOfMemory that can occur. In this post, I will show you these various types of OutOfMemory errors and what they mean.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The most popular one. This is when JVM goes belly up and unable to allocate memory in Heap . Your application might appear hung up and extremely slow to respond to user requests.

For example, let’s say your Java application has 2GB of memory maximum (through -Xmx flag). When the entire 2GB is used up and GC is unable to reclaim any memory, the next memory allocation request for an object will fail with java.lang.OutOfMemory Error.

What causes java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ?

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One important change in Memory Management in Java 9

Java 9 is supposed to be released in summer 2017. The biggest changes appear to be around modularization which enables  you to create, build, deploy and reuse modules of code. There is also the new jshell command line tool that lets you test snippets of code quickly. From Application support standpoint, I see one major change in memory management and that’s what I want to discuss today.

GC (Garbage Collection) is the bread and butter of Memory Management in java. GC  is responsible for cleaning up dead objects from memory and reclaiming that space. GC executes its cleanup using predefined Collectors that use certain algorithm(s). As I mentioned in my previous post, there are 4 Collectors that can be used.

  • Serial Collector
  • Parallel Collector
  • CMS (concurrent Mark and Sweep) Collector
  • G1 Collector

Until Java 1.8, on Server class machines (2 CPU and 2GB RAM minimum. Humor me if your server is leaner than this size), the default collector is Parallel collector.

Parallel collector is all about throughput. It does not care about having longer GC pause times (as it will stop the application threads before performing a GC). If you cannot tolerate long GC pause times (upwards of 1 second), you could choose CMS collector.

G1GC was introduced in Java 1.7 to address both increased throughput and decreased GC pause times overall.

Here is the major change with this edition of Java. G1GC is the default collector in Java 9.

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In this post, I’m going to explain how Heap is organized using generations and how Garbage Collection works behind the scene to free up memory. Java memory management has evolved a lot over the past few java releases.  Understanding the mechanics underneath will help you better tune it (if required) to suit your needs.

When your java application runs, it creates objects which takes up memory space. As long the object is being used (i.e referred by the application somewhere), it is going to occupy the memory. When the object is no longer used (for example, when you cleanly close a DB connection), the space occupied by the object can be reclaimed by Garbage collection.

What are generations ?

Java heap is typically divided into two major pools. An area where short-lived objects live. And an area where long-lived objects live. Young generation (aka Nursery aka Eden) is the place for short-lived objects and Tenured generation (aka Old) is the place for long-lived objects.

Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 7.20.32 PM

Why Generations ?

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How to monior Heap usage of a Java Application ?

Heap is the memory space where java application objects are stored. Unfortunately the size of Heap is limited (by the -Xmx java command line option). When all of heap is used up, you are in deep trouble. So, it helps to understand how to measure Java heap usage, and that’s exactly what I’m going to be discussing with you in this post.

Very surprisingly, measuring heap is not that straight forward in java world. I believe it is due to the fact there are numerous ways to measure java heap. Oracle seems to introduce new tools with every release (and retire the old ones). For this reason, I recommend everyone to invest in a commercial grade APM (Application Performance Management) tool. With APM tool, you will simply login to the APM interface (typically a web application) to view the JVM heap usage (along with tons of other useful metrics)

Using the command jcmd to measure heap usage

Java comes with a command line tool named jcmd. It should be available in most flavors of Java (Oracle, IBM etc). I’m going to recommend jcmd to measure your heap usage. One of the advantages of using jcmd is the class histogram which not only shows the heap usage but it breaks down the usage by class. This gives you an instant view of what is causing heap to fill up.

Important Note: jcmd does have some impact on the jvm. But I assure it is worth the price, as the details shown by jcmd are very valuable.

Important Note: the command jcmd must be run as the same user (or effective user) as the user running the java application

Let us see jcmd in action.

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JVM – Basic Operations

A Java application is launched with the java command which starts a JVM and runs the application. As an Application support engineer, there are few basic operations that you will typically perform on the JVM. Here are they:

Starting JVM:

Starting the JVM simply means starting the Java application. A Java application is started using the java command.

For example:

java HelloWorld 

java is the command

HelloWorld is the classfile without the .class extension

Note: Don’t use the .class extension in the java command. If you do, you will get an error

[ec2-user@java]$ java HelloWorld.class
Error: Could not find or load main class HelloWorld.class

There are numerous command line options for the java command. Here are some of the main ones you need to know.

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Introduction to APM: Benefits of APM

So, what can an APM tool buy you? Setting aside the hypothetical ‘Peace of mind’ marketing pitch, let me show you how exactly an APM tool can help you support your Application effectively

1. Historic Monitoring of Key Metrics

APM tool can record the monitoring metrics which are invaluable in troubleshooting. For example, take a look at the ‘response time’ graph of a particular application. You can readily see that the application suffers during business hours.


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Introduction to APM (Application Performance Management)

Back in the 90s when I was working as a Solaris/HP-UX Administrator, all I needed was two or three commands to figure out what was wrong with a particular Server or Application. I will just glance at ‘vmstat’, ‘iostat’ and ‘top’ for a minute or two and the problem will reveal itself clearly. While those command still prove valuable at a certain level, in order to answer ‘Why is the application slow’ you need much more than just few OS commands.

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Troubleshooting GC: Test your knowledge – Answers


1. The Java command line option to enable Verbose Garbage Collection is:

a. –DenableVerboseGC=true
b. –verboseGC=yes
c. –verbose:gc
d. –enable.verbose.gc
e. –XX:+VerboseGC

Answer: c

Explanation: -verbose:gc is the correct answer. All other options are invalid

2. Short lived and Long lived Java objects are stored in these regions of Heap, respectively

a. Tenured,OldGen
b. OldGen,Tenured
c. Tenured,newGen
d. YoungGen,OldGen
e. Tenured,nursery

Answer: d

Explanation: Short lived objects live in Young Generation (also known as nursery or new generation). When minor garbage collection cannot reclaim memory from objects that are still being used (referenced), they get moved to Old gen (via another hop at survivor space). Old gen is also known as tenured gen.

3. Your application uses lots of File Handles. The memory used to maintain these File Handles are stored in which part of JVM memory

a. PermGen
b. YoungGen
c. Tenured
d. OldGen
e. Native Memory

Answer: e

Explanation: Native memory is used for all Operating system level components (such as File handles, sockets etc). Native memory is also used for any native code (such as C libraries) that runs as part of your application. PermGen is used for Class objects (and in some versions, interned strings). Young,Tenured (oldgen) are used to store your application java objects.

4. You have just deployed a new Java application with ONLY out of the box tuning parameters. Upon using the application, users complain your application is extremely slow. By reviewing the verbose GC log file, you have identified that the frequency of GC is extremely high (once every few seconds). What is your best next step ?

a. Tune –Xms and –Xmx to provide reasonable amount of memory
b. Schedule regular automatic restarts of your application
c. Restart your application
d. Increase PermGen Space
e. Add CPU to your Host Server

Answer: a

Explanation: The default Max heap is not enough in most cases (this various by implementation, but typically 128 or 256 MB). So, the best action is to first increase the max heap (-Xmx). You may want to set –Xms (initial heap) to the same value as –Xmx if possible. Otherwise, you can go with half or ¾ th of the Max heap.

5. Your application just ran out memory (OutOfMemory Error) and it has produced a big heap dump file. What is the best tool to analyze this heap dump to find out what is filling up the memory

a. Verbose GC logs
b. Thread Dump analyzer
c. Eclipse MAT (Memory Analyzer)
d. IBM Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java garbage collector
e. Jstack

Answer: c

Explanation: Eclipse MAT (Memory Analyzer) is the tool to be used for analyzing Heap dumps. Verbose GC logs just show the GC activity in detail, Thread dump analyzer is for analyzing Thread dumps, IBM PMAT is for visualizing verbose GC logs and finally jstack is a command line tool that comes with JDK that can be used to take thread dumps on a running Java application.

Previous: Troubleshooting GC: Test your knowledge

Troubleshooting GC: Test your knowledge

Test your knowledge on Troubleshooting Java Garbage Collection

1. The Java command line option to enable Verbose Garbage Collection is:

a. –DenableVerboseGC=true
b. –verboseGC=yes
c. –verbose:gc
d. –enable.verbose.gc
e. –XX:+VerboseGC

2. Short lived and Long lived Java objects are stored in these regions of Heap, respectively

a. Tenured,OldGen
b. OldGen,Tenured
c. Tenured,newGen
d. YoungGen,OldGen
e. Tenured,nursery

3. Your application uses lots of File Handles. The memory used to maintain these File Handles are stored in which part of JVM memory

a. PermGen
b. YoungGen
c. Tenured
d. OldGen
e. Native Memory

4. You have just deployed a new Java application with ONLY out of the box tuning parameters. Upon using the application, users complain your application is extremely slow. By reviewing the verbose GC log file, you have identified that the frequency of GC is extremely high (once every few seconds). What is your best next step ?

a. Tune –Xms and –Xmx to provide reasonable amount of memory
b. Schedule regular automatic restarts of your application
c. Restart your application
d. Increase PermGen Space
e. Add CPU to your Host Server

5. Your application just ran out memory (OutOfMemory Error) and it has produced a big heap dump file. What is the best tool to analyze this heap dump to find out what is filling up the memory

a. Verbose GC logs
b. Thread Dump analyzer
c. Eclipse MAT (Memory Analyzer)
d. IBM Pattern Modeling and Analysis for Java garbage collector
e. Jstack

Coming up: Troubleshooting GC: Test your knowledge – Answers

Troubleshooting GC: Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT)

In your Application support/Developer Journey, you will definitely come across a time where you will want to really dive into the Java heap and see what is filling up the memory. We are literally talking about all those java objects that are in the heap. Mind you this can run into hundreds of millions in numbers. How do you get an insight into what is in the Heap? By analyzing a Heap dump. And how do you analyze the heap dump? By using the all-powerful Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT)

Before we begin using MAT, how do you capture heap dump?

Now, this varies from application to application. For example, if you are running IBM WebSphere, you could use a wsadmin script to invoke heap dump. Earlier you saw visualvm can create a heap dump for you through the visualvm interface. You can also use the command ‘jmap’ to create heap dump. Further you can configure the Application server to automatically perform a heap dump when an ‘out of memory’ error is encountered (XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError). Note that this option is verified to work on Oracle Hotspot JVM only.

Downloading Eclipse MAT:

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